Monday, November 26, 2018

A Couple Announcements...

Hey, Anne here. I'm sorry that I forgot to say that I would be out on Thanksgiving break with my family and couldn't make an A.O.U.  They usually take a long time to make. Even aspiring bloggers have lives, guys.

Next, I noticed that I have not been getting nearly as many views recently. I have also had never had any comments. Maybe I'm not being as interesting as I once was. I hope that's not it. If you've not been enjoying my blog as much, please tell me why. Tell me in the comments what kind of content you want to see. Not to self-promote too heavily, but if you like my blog, why not share it with a friend?

Finally, just started working on a new project. I have finally finished my ALERT (gifted and talented) project on Music and Math. We were allowed to pick a topic we were passionate about and then we had to research it and make a multi-media display on it. Mine is a Google Slides presentation, which I will add after my new project is done. My new project is making a short book based on the presentation. It is simply titled Music and Math. I will make a post on this and include the book. I hope you like it.

Thanks for reading. The next A.U.O. is coming later this week. I will see you then.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

It's not Christmas!

As happens every mid-November, there are still people getting in the Christmas spirit. I know a lot of this is stores trying to make money, but so many people are buying into the mentality of Christmas starting early. Don't get the wrong idea, Christmas is amazing, and for so much more than just getting presents. But only the last week of November is okay. If you can't get to your family in time for Christmas, you can celebrate with them. My mom's parents live three states away, and we have "Christmas" with them and my cousin's family when we come for Thanksgiving. But if you can easily reach the people you're celebrating with, then wait. I say if real Advent starts in November, then you can celebrate then, but otherwise, wait until the right month. For me, it's a matter of slowing down to enjoy what's happening right now, which is Thanksgiving. One strategy I use is remembering that Christmas lasts until the sixth. My dad's family usually comes for celebration a few days after Christmas day. But anyway, enjoy what's really happening instead of trying to focus on the far future. And you can buy Christmas items on the twenty-sixth for much lower prices, if you're trying to get all the pre-Christmas discounts.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sofia Lynch Fan Theroy

I was listening to Sofia Lynch's music, and many of the songs share similar themes. Maybe it's all one story.

 It begins in Okay With Me. The main character, Abigail, start to worry that her relationship is falling apart. She reassures herself that everything is fine and that she loves her girl/boyfriend. She has to move away from her romantic partner in Home Again, but hopes to see them again. They finally reconnect. They talk about all the great times they had in The First Time. However, Abigail soon reflects that she was in a toxic relationship all along in Stranger to Love. They soon break up. Abigail feels terrible about the breakup. She stays hidden because she doesn't want to get questioned and bring up the relationship with anyone in Abigail. She thinks attracting attention will get her back in trouble. Abigail assumes that this sort of thing happens a lot in All The Time. She spends more time alone. She uses imagination to escape and gain confidence about herself in In My Mind. Eventually, she grows from the drama and faces the world bold and unafraid in Curiosity. One example of how she uses her dauntlessness was when she got over her fear of spiders and calmly watched one climb in and out of a water spout in Itsy Bitsy Spider. Her story is to be updated as Sofia releases new music. If it adds more depth to the existing story, I'll update this post. If something happens after Itsy Bitsy Spider, I will make another post.

Thank you for reading this. Tell me what you think in the comments below. All the song names have links to the videos in them.

Friday, November 9, 2018

It's the Ocean, Not the Sea!

You know what makes me upset? When people say "seashore" or "seaside" when referring to the ocean! In case I need to take you back to fourth grade science, a sea is much smaller than an ocean. It often acts as a passageway from the land to the ocean. Oceans are massive bodies of salt water that make up most of the earth. There are more specific definitions, but I don't want to get into the specifics of citations for those. Anyway, please stop using these terms interchangeably. They aren't the same. So stop using them like they are.

 I know that this isn't the best I could do, but I'm sick, so cut me a break. Sorry. It's better than nothing. Happy last day of pizzamas!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Anne's Useless Opinions: My New Seires!

I'm starting a new series! I am just sharing my opinions on stuff. I'm not trying to be self-deprecating, just saying that you probably won't use these in your day-to-day life. These will be opinions on almost everything you can think of. I'm going to make this series on here until February. It will probably end up getting consistently posted at first, but end up getting posted when I feel like it, and I apologize in advance. I don't know if I will be able to make other posts. I'll try, but I don't know. I'll start next week.

Happy Pizzamas,

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Rumors about Feminism

Hello dear! So you may think I, a school age child, am not qualified to write this post. But before you sigh and roll your eyes at the thought of such a "naive child" talking about something something a large amount of adults don't even understand, please hear me out. I'll let you judge me on my opinions  and intellect rather than my age, a lesson I think many people need to learn. Here we go.

So, recently in the media, (which I admit I've been consuming a lot of, due to less-than-comfortable temperatures and lack of anything to do, other than scrub the bathroom (Fun times!)) I've seen MANY people misinterpret feminism as women thinking they are better than men and don't appreciate help, for example, from them simply because they are men, as well as many other hyperbolic ideas that basically say it's reverse sexism. If you search feminism, after the official definition and maybe some articles, you'll get someone complaining about how we are men-hating hypocrites. This makes me think some people need a bit of a lesson on what feminism is. So you know what, I'll put a link to the dictionary definition of feminism. Please look, then come back to finish. THE DEFINITION OF FEMINISM! (click here) (please refer to the first and second definitions).

Notice how neither of those definitions were about female superiority. Feminism, despite what many people think, is not male discrimination. One of my favorite feminist Youtubers, marinashutup, aka Marina Watanabe, used the analogy of saying "The civil rights movement was/is oppressing white people." Pretty ridiculous, right?

A lot of people say "I'm not a feminist because I love men", but then continue to say something along the lines of "I support women's right's in the workplace, in making decisions about who they're going to marry and how many kids they'll have, et cetra". The things they list are often core values of feminism. I think if they did their research they'd understand what feminism is about and be feminists, since they basically said that they support what it's about.

So, while I don't give a full description of everything about feminism, I encourage you to do your research and stop hating feminism and spreading mean stereotypes. I hate (and hate is a strong word) seeing feminism misrepresented in the media. I'm hesitant to allow comments because of all the hate and anti-feminist backlash there's a good chance I'll receive, but I'll allow you to comment below your opinion. I'm not a hypocrite who only respects free speech when it's in their favor. It's okay to disagree, but please don't insult people or use slurs. I want this to be a safe place to teach people, not a negative dumping ground. And, let's just say, it took a lot a of self-control to not write this in all caps, punctuated solely by exclamation marks.

Here are some of Marina's video's I got information from (Warning: there is very strong cursing in these videos. Also she says feminism is sexist, but I don't agree with that part. Just watch and see what you learn from them (unless you're under 10))

"BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MEN?!" - Is Feminism Sexist?

Feminism 101: A Crash Course

An Open Letter to Shailene Woodley About Feminism

Sunday, March 11, 2018

When will Season 2 come out?

*******This article has a lot of complaints*******
I love Anne of Green Gables, and I love the Netflix/CBBC Anne (With an e). Season one was great, if touching on adult topics and having morbid flashbacks. I watched them quite quickly, and I am very excited for the next season; it has ten episodes, two more than season one. Amybeth McNulty is wonderfully cast as the heroine herself, while Geraldine James and R. H. Thompson take on the roles of the iconic sibling team. If it is anything like the previous season, I'll love it, but I want it to be out soon.

Update: I heard that it'll be coming out on July 6th! I'll be busy, but I can't wait to see it when I get back.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Wish Upon a Sleepover by Suzanne Selfors Review

This book has not come out yet. Future release day unknown day unknown. The author asked me to put the review on her website, so keep your eyes open.

     I have the advance reader's edition of Wish upon a Sleepover. I finished it last night. It was a really powerful story. It was a great read, but it was sad Leilani and William's dads died. The Hailey (/Hayley/Haighley/Heighleigh/Heeley/Haylee) thing was funny. My friend Hailey L. thought it was too. It was a wonderful story about true friendship, and I hope more people enjoy it when it comes

Edit on November 9th '18: She featured my review on her website!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Ban This Book review

     I found this book at the library. By 9:15 I'd finished it. Yep, it was one of those books that I spend every moment on, barely stopping to eat and do my nightly routine. It touches on a topic that is rarely addressed to children that aren't affected directly by it, which I think needs to change. I relate strongly with the main character, as I love reading and also read books someone might deem inappropriate. This was a cute book that I would recommend to almost everyone, although it does touch on some topics you might not want very young people knowing about yet. Overall a very good book about an often overlooked topic.  

About Anne

Hi! I'm Anne. I am a student, and to a lesser extent, a blogger, YouTuber, and Genius Lyrics contributor. I love reading and music. I am a strong believer in feminism (not misguided hatred of males, actual equality). My favorite book is Emily of New Moon. My favorite TV show is Anne with an e, or simply Anne in Canada. I am a nerdfighter. I'm possibly the biggest Vsauce fan in existence. Vi Hart is another one of my favorite channels. On this blog, I post about books and my other interests. Feel free to take a look around. And remember that alpacas are the best.

 My Goodreads link

Update: I'm on YouTube! This is a really different side of me than on the blog, but you might like it.

Genius Lyrics: